
Best of 1997

I have numerous favourite years based on what happened in them that are directly or indirectly related to my interests as long as those years have something to do with 3, 5, 6, 7 or 9. One of my favourite years is 1997 because it was when I visited one of my (seven) favourite countries

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Best of 1999

I have numerous favourite years based on what happened in them that are directly or indirectly related to my interests as long as those years have something to do with 3, 5, 6, 7 or 9. The most favourite (which I consider the king of my favourite years) is 1999 because it was when I

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Rhinoceros Popularity

Rhinos are one of the world’s most popular animals and are sadly on the verge of extinction. Day by day rhinos are killed for their horns which are wrongly believed to have medicinal properties. This results in a loss of life and the orphaning of rhinoceros calves. In order to prevent this, zoos and wildlife

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