Author name: Vikram

The Jersey Devil

From the East Coast of the United States comes one of the most fascinating and frightening of all the world’s animals unknown to science. More than a hundred people claim to have seen him as he has terrorized towns and caused schools and factories to close down. Some claim he is simply a mythical beast

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Star Wars Opening Crawls

Ever since its grand debut back in 1977, the enchanting saga of Star Wars has managed to captivate the hearts of people worldwide, evolving into a cultural marvel. This captivating tale doesn’t merely focus on the timeless struggle between good and evil; it extends its allure through numerous connections to both age-old myths and tangible

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Amistad: Fact vs Fiction

Steven Spielberg’s 1997 film “Amistad” is a true story with some fictionalized elements. It is based on the rebellion of enslaved West African individuals aboard the Spanish vessel La Amistad (which ironically means ‘friendship’), led by Sengbe Pieh, more known as Cinque. While they were later put on trial for murder in the United States,

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Seawater vs Chocolate (a true teen story of film rivalry)

    We anticipate a captivating movie based on its appealing poster, but our personal opinion of the film ultimately depends on its quality. Even highly acclaimed films might not resonate with us. As new films release, we eagerly await the next one, often comparing them. This comparison focuses on their quality rather than similarities.

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Rhinoceros Popularity

Rhinos are one of the world’s most popular animals and are sadly on the verge of extinction. Day by day rhinos are killed for their horns which are wrongly believed to have medicinal properties. This results in a loss of life and the orphaning of rhinoceros calves. In order to prevent this, zoos and wildlife

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Differences between Disney’s version of White Fang and the book that inspired it

Jack London’s White Fang, a novel about a wild wolfdog who becomes domesticated and mistreated without affection by each master until his last (who teaches him the meaning of love) examines the violent world of animals and how they view the world of man. The book also teaches us about the meaning of morality and

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