Fairy Tales that make me hungry

Fairy Tales since their origin are one of the most entertaining part of every child’s life. Over the years, they have grown to interest people of all ages because they take us to enchanted lands, discover unique characters and above all inspire us.

Since I was three (or four) years old I have always read fairy tales. Some make me long for adventure, some frighten me, some excite me, some motivate me and some even make me fall in love.

At seven years old, a humorous feeling is that, sometimes, a fairy tale might even make me feel hungry because the description and illustrations of food that the characters are shown satisfying their hunger with are pretty grabbing no matter what it may be.

When it comes to literary reviews from the perspective of helping emphasise on thematic aspects in fairy tales, it only focuses on that itself. There has been no culinary theme or emphasis in fairy tales which is what motivated me to write this. Food is not just a source of nourishment in fairy tales as it is in real life, it can also be a symbol of both that as well as making plans to help oneself or others or as a tool in other aspects. Because some fairy tales make me hungry





  1. Jack and the Beanstalk
    One of the most recognized of fairy tales concerning the unintentional quest of the eponymous lazy boy who is the titular hero of the story  to satisfy the poorness of himself and his mother. Food for most scenes in the story plays a vital role throughout the story, often driving the plot forward as the main character seeks sustenance. His giant adversary, who is insatiably hungry and even cannibalistic, also contributes to the plot’s development is very stimulating to the taste buds indeed (and most of the plots within the plot itself are triggered by the seeming need for food from the point of view of the main character and his enemy is unsatiable in hunger for the most part as well as a cannibal). Its first appearance is evidently the beans that Jack regrettably trades for his cow Jack trading his cow for supposedly magical beans, which his angry mother discards when he is supposed to take her to market to sell her. Despite being uneatable, these beans, upon their transformation into a magnificent beanstalk, unleash an adventurous Jack unleashes his adventurous side but in truth, it is just an excuse to find something to eat. Ignoring warnings about a man-eating giant from the giant’s wife at a castle he enters, Jack and discovers enchanted items like a goose laying golden eggs and a magical harp. Initially acquiring a bag of gold, Jack returns twice more, obtaining the other items. When the giant pursues Jack for stealing the harp (as well as the goose), Jack takes it upon himself to confront and defeats him, ending poverty and unhappiness for not only himself but his mother as well.

  2. Hansel and Gretel
    The story of Hansel and Gretel also revolves around themes of poverty, hunger, and cannibalism, depicted through the villainous character. Despite the children’s father’s affection for the children and their stepmother’s lack of it, the stepmother’s misguided belief, stemming possibly from abuse, leads her to force her husband to abandon the children in the forest under the false and perhaps mistranslated pretence of securing food for both her and her husband. Initially, the children cleverly leave pebble trails to find their way back, which pleases their father but angers their stepmother. She thwarts their plans in subsequent attempts by locking them in the house to stop them from repeating their success and during their second abandonment in the woods, a shift signifies the broader theme of food as a means of survival without being consumed when the children try to use their bread as a new means to get home, but birds devour the breadcrumbs, leaving the children stranded.The children’s discovery of the witch’s candy house presents food as both sustenance and temptation. The witch’s intent to capture and eat humans underscores the desperation caused by hunger, even at the cost of others’ lives. Hansel becomes the focus of the witch’s cannibalistic plan, as she aims to fatten him up for consumption. Hansel’s resistance and fasting irk the impatient witch, resulting in her eventually deciding no matter whether or not he is fat, he will be her supper. Gretel on seeing that the witch asking her to check the oven being a clear way of eating her first, outsmarts the witch and defeats her through clever use of the oven by pushing her in, leading to the witch’s demise. After defeating the witch, the siblings find gold and hope for their future. The story concludes with them returning to their father’s enduring love, even though their stepmother has died from a sickness. The family’s struggle with hunger ultimately ends, as they never face starvation again.

  3. Goldilocks and the Three Bears
    This fairy tale, devoid of requiring much introduction, symbolizes the ramifications of recklessness and intrusion into personal space. The central character, Goldilocks (given her to her age), embodies a child lacking moral awareness, believing she can act without consequences. Even dwelling on the forest’s edge, where the bear family resides, she disregards the potential trouble her actions might cause. Only after wandering off does the turning point occur, presumably leading to her self-improvement. Prior to that, stumbling upon the bears’ house, her actions reveal not only curiosity and disregard for consequences but possibly an attempt to escape her own fears, eased by the bears’ left-out porridge that cools during their absence. The porridge temperatures subtly caution her not to fully consume them, with Mother and Father Bear’s porridge effectively dissuading her, but Baby Bear’s proving vulnerable. She then takes advantage of their hospitality, trying chairs and vandalizing Baby Bear’s. Sleeping in his bed, she further displays a lack of concern, eventually awakening to the bears’ return. Discovering the chaos, Baby Bear seems more humiliated than his family. While they may not merely express frustration, Goldilocks awakens only when Baby Bear unintentionally rouses her more so than his parents. Upon running away and returning home, she might finally grasp the significance of respecting privacy from her awaiting mother.

  4. Beauty and the Beast
    The fairy tale that taught us the importance of valuing someone’s heart over appearance, it highlights hospitality’s respect and its consequences, which affect both those causing issues and those affected. Belle’s father, Maurice, lost in the woods after leaving his unfinished business due to a financial loss, is sheltered by the Beast’s palace without knowing the host. Supper and breakfast show the extended hospitality. Taking a rose triggers the Beast’s terrifying appearance, scaring Maurice. Despite honesty in why he took the rose since Belle asked him to bring one back for her, the Beast spares him and allows him to keep it under the condition that Belle come back in her father’s place. Belle’s brave acceptance to take responsibility for her father’s actions shifts hospitality to comfort, addressing her needs.Unfortunately while Belle does overcome her fear of the Beast, she realizes he is nothing more than a lost soul due to his animalistic appearance, she pities him far more than she loves him even though she values his friendship wit her and feels left out when he choses not to eat with her because of him being an animal. His love for her however (despite her being adamant that she cannot marry her) leads to the rest of the story when he allows her to see her sick father but she comes back too late to see the Beast due to his broken heart in being without her but it is only her proclaimed love for him that restores him to human form as a Prince who he once was and he and Belle marry soon after.

  5. Aladdin
    Due to its global popularity, this unique Chinese story’s inclusion in the Arabian Nights, despite historical internationalism, has led it to be considered a fairy tale, despite its non-fairytale nature. Aladdin’s tale is familiar: he evolves from a lazy daydreamer into a responsible prince, all thanks to a magical lamp and its genie. Like many idle boys, he indulges in thievery, mischief, and overeating with his friends Ignoring all work and utility, despite his late father Mustapha being a renowned tailor, he provides no help for his mother. People at the status of Aladdin and his mother in those days could rarely have afforded any meat and primarily relied on beans and rice for nourishment. Meeting Abenezer, the deceitful magician posing as his uncle, changes Aladdin’s life in two ways. Initially, he receives money from his supposed uncle to assist his mother and consequently, they can afford nourishment for themselves and their apparent long-lost relative, a luxury they had not experienced since Aladdin’s father passed away. After joining the quest for the sought-after lamp that Abenezer seeks, Aladdin is double-crossed by him, but with the help of a genie from a ring given to him by Abenezer, he manages to return home. This introduces him to genies. Later, when he encounters the lamp’s genie, he understands Abenezer’s strong desire for the lamp. Aladdin’s clever use of the lamp brings him both food and wealth. This leads to his marriage to the princess of the land. However, Abenezer, aware of Aladdin’s survival steals the lamp and instructs its genie to take the princess and the palace, leaving Aladdin in a tough spot. Despite this, Aladdin, a devoted husband, thanks to the genie of the ring, rescues his wife and defeats Abenezer as he returns home as a hero with his wife as the palace is restored to its original place by the genie of the lamp.

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