The best places to visit in Kenya

The Africa of our dreams and the Jewel in East Africa’s Crown, Kenya is perhaps the Africa that comes to mind when we think of or hear the word ‘Africa’; It’s the lone acacia silhouetted on the savannah against a horizon stretching into eternity. It’s the snow-capped mountain almost on the equator and within sight of harsh deserts. It’s the lush, palm-fringed coastline of the Indian Ocean, it’s the Great Rift Valley that once threatened to tear the continent asunder, and it’s the dense forests reminiscent of the continent’s heart. In short, Kenya is a country of epic landforms that stir our deepest longings for this very special continent.

  1. Nairobi
    The capital of Kenya and the heart of East Africa

    – Uhuru Park
    Commemorates Kenya’s independence from the UK

    – Nairobi national park
    The premiere national park of Kenya’s capital
    – National Museum
    Showcases the prehistory, history, people, cultures and wildlife of Kenya
  2. Masai Mara
    The northern continuation of the Serengeti in Tanzania which was in turn created by the Ngorongoro Crater. Named after the Masai tribe, it has more Lions than anywhere else in Kenya. The premiere travel destination in Kenya, the Mara is one of two sites of the great migration where wildebeest and zebra cross the border from the Serengeti into the Mara and will make the same journey back, both cases being in search of fresh grass. All three members of the ‘Big Five’ Lion, Elephant, Buffalo, Leopard and Rhinoceros are present although it is easier to spot Lions, Elephants and Buffalo more so than the other two

  3. Nakuru national park
    Named after the lake located in the park, this is a Rhinoceros’ Paradise which is also a perfect place to spot a Leopard. Sadly, most Rhinos in Nakuru are not from Kenya but have been introduced here from Southern Africa as a part of a breeding exchange programme and reintroducing the species. The park is also known for its annual gathering of flamingos
  4. Lake Naivasha
    Where wildlife warden George Adamson and his wife Joy raised a Lioness whom they named Elsa and trained her for release into the wild
  5. Amboseli national park
    Where the Elephant is King not the Lion
  6. Meru National Park
    Where Born Free originated with the birth of Elsa the Lioness and the transformation of wildlife warden George Adamson from wildlife warden of northern Kenya to an articulate advocate for Lions in need, thanks to his adoption and releasing into the wild of Elsa and his wife’s book that carried the above name
  7. Kora National Park
    Where George Adamson spent the last years of his life, continuing to help Lions who needed him


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